Privacy Policy

Between James & Wells (comprising the partnerships of James & Wells Patent Attorneys and James & Wells Lawyers) (“us” or “we” or “our”);
And You (“you” or “your”);
1. Privacy policy
1.1. We will comply with the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ) in relation to any personal information you supply to us or gathered as a result of your use of our website, when you make a payment to us, or when we provide you with our services (“Your Data”).
1.2. We may collect the following types of Your Data from you:
2. Anti-money laundering / counter-financing of terrorism obligations
2.1. We may be required in certain cases to collect and verify certain information about you, including your driver’s licence and/or current passport details, in order to comply with our obligations Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
2.2. Should this information be required, we will contact you first to inform you of this.
2.3. We may also contract an authorised third party to collect and/or verify this information on our behalf.
2.4. If you refuse to provide this information, we may be unable to provide you with our services.
3. Methods of collection
3.1. We collect Your Data in many ways, including:
4. Purpose
4.1. We will use Your Data only for the purpose for which it is supplied to or gathered by us and will not use it for any other purpose or supply to any third party except as required by law or authorised by you.
4.2. We may collect, hold and use Your Data for the purpose of providing our website to you, to comply with our legal obligations, or as is required to process payments made to us.
5. Security
5.1. We will take all reasonable steps we can to keep Your Data safe and secure. We will disclose Your Data to only third parties who may provide You with services or carry out administrative or other functions on our behalf. Some of these third parties may be based overseas.
6. Your access to data and information
6.1. You may request access to Your Data at any time to confirm or verify the accuracy of Your Data, and to alter, remove, or add to Your Data in order to maintain the accuracy of that information.
6.2. Your Data always remains your property; You may request a copy of Your Data as held by us by emailing us at
7. General
7.1. If You choose not to provide us with Your Data under this Privacy Policy, then we may not be able to provide you with access or use of part of or all of our services, process any payments, or information about our services or payments.
7.2. We may use cookies (which are a small text files containing small pieces of data stored on a device when browsing a website to enable the website host (i.e. us) to record information about that device’s use of the website) and similar technologies to help operate our website efficiently. if you do not wish to use cookies, you may choose to disable cookies in your chosen internet browser’s settings.