Stephanie Hadley
Areas of Expertise
Qualifications & Memberships
- Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
- Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)
- Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
- Member - New Zealand Law Society
- Member - Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand (IPSANZ)
- Member - Canterbury Women’s Legal Association
- Member - Women on Boards, Governance New Zealand
- Member - Institute of Directors
About Stephanie
Stephanie is a Solicitor and Brand Strategist based in our Christchurch office. As a member of our dedicated ‘Food and Beverage Innovation’ team and with a background in marketing and consumer law, Stephanie is one of our Food Standards advisory experts. Her specialties include product labeling and advertising compliance.
She’s a regular writer and speaks at seminars around the country, educating the food and beverage sector on how to strategically capture the commercial value from their IP and export their brands across the globe.
Outside of work, Stephanie is a fitness fanatic. As a qualified group fitness instructor, you can catch her teaching Barre and Pilates classes in and around Christchurch. She is also active in the governance realm and is Chair of the Exercise Association of NZ Inc.
Her experience working in-house for several FMCG companies and the Brewers Association means Stephanie brings to the Food and Beverage team a strong background in marketing and consumer law and related commercial matters. Well versed in trade mark law, her specialities include advising on international brand strategies and looking at matters of food and labelling compliance as part of the overall brand strategy.
As Chair of the Exercise Association of NZ Inc, Director of Skills Active Aotearoa Ltd and a qualified group fitness instructor, Stephanie is active in the health and fitness industry and her extensive experience allows her to provide tailored advice to health and wellness clients.